Carl Petee

Carl Petee

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Customer service and communication is a lot like teaching. The more knowledge and passion you have, the more confidence you will feel. The more confident you feel, the easier and cleaner your delivery will be. And somewhere in there, you actually have to care about people.

I really like how Dr. Ruth Reynard quoted herself twice in this section. Baller move.

I have attempted to use a selection of simulation programs in my classroom. All of them ran very slow, were glitchy, and seemed to overemphasize tiny details that the author found important instead of focusing on the big picture. When it comes to troubleshooting residential HVAC systems, sweeping the floor when you are done is not the highest priority. Also, my students are gaming on the most modern, highest speed consoles, with the latest graphics. Most simulation software out there is a technologically advanced as a Sunday school flannelgraph. 

Our school has the luxury of being a hybrid program with… >>>

"Because people are born problem solvers, the biggest challenge is to overcome the tendency to immediately come up with a solution. Let me say that again. The most common mistake in problem solving is trying to find a solution right away. That's a mistake because it tries to put the solution at the beginning of the process, when what we need is a solution at the end of the process."

When teaching troubleshooting, I often find my students rushing to diagnose without taking the proper measurements to confirm their suspicions. These are habits they will carry into the field and… >>>

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