Lucas Fam

Lucas Fam

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I need more positive stress.  I also need to shift to a different task more often to avoid burn out.

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I learned all about FERPA, quickly and effectively through this lesson.   Thank you MaxKnowledge!

I agree, I liked the do's and don'ts for deligation aswell.

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I also took the tutorial on how to be a better listener.  I really liked it,  and it reminded me of a must see short video on TED.  I highly recommend if you have a chance look up TED Talk on John Francis.


I think a good way to put it is say other competitors range between 40-50 k while ours is only..."  Then you are not singling any institution out.  No legal issues either.

Depends on the person. Sometimes none,  feel free to share your thoughts, or post others ideas as well.

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