Bryce Barnhart

Bryce Barnhart

About me


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Active best mimics how people really learn...people learn by doing. You didnt see pictures of how to ride a bike or have someone describe it to you, you rode the bike to learn how to ride a bike. Give the learners what they need to learn...activity!
A good tool that I have used is to group students together on the first day of class and have them identify the top 5 expectations they have for each other. Being prompt and having succinct comments always comes up.
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So what really consitutes a textbook? Does it have to have an ISBN number? What is the source it needs to come from?
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I've always liked Fleming's VARK to help provide guidance for teaching to meet all the learning styles in a given class. I think sometimes it is overcomplicated when in fact it is easy, and quite necessary, to do so.
We have all been members of a class in which the instructor rushes in last minute and leaves immediately as th class is over. As a student this diminishes your learning experience and sets a class expectation that dedication is not valued nor rewarded in that particular class.

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