Randy Olson

Randy Olson

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The method of "Loci" is underused toady. The ancient Greeks taught narrators to imagine themselves in the room of a grand villa - fill that room with the items they will talk about - then during the presentation mentally walk through the room and describe the items. These narrators could talk at length without notes just by using those visual cues.
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I began exploring how my students used - or did not use - music while studying. Interestingly some students could use music as a backdrop and study effectively - some students had distinct preferences. From what I gathered about home working conditions the students with preferences used music when creating / drawing (right brain) and avoided music when reading / writing (left brain).
This section was a revelation - only since it makes it so apparent that I must determine this aspect in the interviewing of new instructors. One of my favorite interview questions is "What motivates you?" From the perspective of placing student learning at the top of the list I will now listen differently to this answer.
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I talk to students about the value of creating a Mnemonic hook. Any gimic to remember a term or sequence can be a great tool. I still remember Ohm's Law and the resistor color code from these tricks.
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An introduction tool that I have found works well for design / photo students is to create a montage from magazine images. This is to show past experience, present goals, and future ambitions. Then each student presents his or her work. This way all get to know each other - and it helps shy designers / photographers to talk in front of a group.
Granted, the teaching space can affect the students. However the information provided in this module must also remind the begining instructor that the teaching environment is relevant to the entire facility they are teaching at. The begining instructor needs to look at what other classes are alloted and work within that environment.
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The information on not being drug into students personal baggage could be very beneficial to young instructors. However, this important topic was only a single paragraph. Do any discussion members have a favored method of advising instructors so as not to "enable" students with issues - but at the same time acting in an ethicla and empathetic manner?

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