Bonnie Lewallen

Bonnie Lewallen

About me


I walk around my class while I lecture. I use power points during the lecture. I interact with all of them individually and with group assignmernts. I ask my students to challange me....and they do! They want to learn. I make a game out it if they stump me they get 5 points and if I stump them I take 5 points......The one with the most points at the end of the semester gets 5 extra points on their overall grade.

I have 4 drafts of each exam and the student's don't know which copy they have. I explain this on the first day along with the rules reguarding test day regulations. I have the students clear their desk of all irrevelent material and cell phones are never allowed to be taken out during class. The student's may check their phone during the break. I have had this problem in my class and that is how I came up with my test taking rules and why I also have 4 drafts of each exam.

I find that by using my own life situations to inhance the importance of the lesson really drives home the message with the students. It also lets them know I am human and that everyone, including me, will make a mistake. The trick is to learn from it and move on. I don't expect perfection, I expect them to try their best and fix whatever they may mess up.

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