Bonnie Price

Bonnie Price

About me


I selected ed106 and did enjoy the amount of information that the course did give.  I will remember and use the techniques demonstrated.

Many times I have my students teach other students. When I was in the world of business, I would direct collaborative learning as well.  This allows learning to occur more informally.  It allows for the application of knowlege to occur in a supportive environment.

Students will have to learn how to use computers properly in the classroom.  Just like any other tech item, there has to be a level of professionalism gained with its use.  I know that I would be lost without my pc.  I swear that without it I can't think.  Students have a hard time understanding how to use the pc in the classroom to keep them moving, motivated and organized with their work.  They need to use it to keep them on task and understand that when they are drifting back to Facebook, they are off task!

From what I have seen from admissions reps is that they try to apply just standard sales techniques to the idea of enticing students.  Getting to understand the mind of the student and their parent is essential.

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