Barbara McDuffie

Barbara McDuffie

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I like this particular section,because it made valid points, something that sounds like I could really start to work at.


I was paryicularly interested in the immediacy portion of this phrase of learning. There were some very good points made

Still having a hard time gasping which larning base I like due to my old fashion way of lecturing. I do strongly agree that you have to look at the class as a whole to see what is the collective attitude in learniwng is of the class

Barbara McDuffie

 I make a point to always incorporate stories of my life experiences with that particular subject we are discussing. I believe it sticks with them, especially if they get stuck on a quiz or teat question.


Barbara McDuffie

I believe ifyou feel comfortable at what your teaching, then it will show through your students. They become comfortable in learning.

Barbara McDuffie

I have experienced a lot of diversity in my classes between the younger student and the traditional student. Keeping in mine that it can get trying at times.  I like the fact that I need  to stay focus as an instructor and not get caught up in the midst of things. Keeping in mine that they have charted their own course and that they need to take responsiblilty for their actions.

Barbara McDuffie

Practice makes perfect, no matter how could you think you are.


Barbara McDuffie

I always make it a point to have each student introduce themselves the first day as weel give them a bit of insight on myself. Besides being a great ice breaker, you often learn something to your surprise.

Barbara McDuffie

I agree handsdown, that preparation is the key that with day of class. It sets the rhythm of the mode.


Barbara McDuffie

As theory and clinical instuctor, I often bring my expertise and knowledge to the table. I agree there are so many students with different ways of learning, which I feel is the hardest part of teaching. So I try to incorporate varies types of teaching in each session.  My I do agree, I need to have more compassion for my students in a positive way.


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