Brad Guest

Brad Guest

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I learned that it doesn't take major restructuring to accommodate students on the spectrum. I will apply the structure and accommodations needed to create a safe learning environment for all students.

The supports available in K-12 does not extend into postsecondary.  I need to continue to educate my students about this fact.

I learned about the complexity of high-functioning autism.  I plan to to use this information to build a classroom that lowers stress.

The progression of ASD from 1911 to present.  Also, the % of disorders (genetic, GI, and seizure) was new knowledge to me.

"Good teaching is good teaching no matter who the students are or what content is being shared."  This is a great topic sentence for this section.  The continued emphasis of the teacher to understand that a lot of the day-to-day things (greeting at the door, consistency, etc.) make a huge impact.

The importance of accommodations.  The need to study and know what a student's IEP says and what a student's 504 Plan accommodates.

There are so many striking statistics and symptoms related to PTSD and TBI.  This information reinforces the need for me as the teacher to be patient with students who are struggling with these types of conditions.

It was difficult to read the statistics of preschool/elementary children and middle/high school students who experience trauma.  Also, how many of those that it leads to PTSD.  Finally, the 76% likelihood of delays with those who experience traumas by 3rs. old.

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