Becki Saylor

Becki Saylor

About me


We take these classes primarily because we are required to do so; however, I use them to reinforce what I learned in college. It is nice to know that I was taught correctly. It was nice to know that I actually paid attention, and it is nice to know that I practice what was preached to me. I do believe that a lot of times we get hung up with the bottom line and forget about the the student him/herself. I do believe that there is so much more that can be learned away from the course/textbooks. It is up… >>>

While I understand the definite need for handling stress, I do believe that some people just need to learn what works for them. Keeping things bottled up did not work for me; by bottling things up, I assisted my body in having heart attacks. However, some of the coping mechanisms expressed would cause me more stress than the stressor itself.

Blog Comment

While I do not totally agree with you, I do think that for those who have education degrees, the information should be "more advanced".  I can see that if this is the first time you have heard this stuff, it could be considered earth shattering, but I was something new, different, etc.

Many times we are told that we should play games in class, add many activities, and etc. That is fine when there is time, but to sacrifice the syllabus and the students' ability to complete all their work on time. I love to bring in different stuff; however, it seems to me that if by bringing some of this stuff in stresses the students, then why bother. I like to play learning games, but they are trying to force us to do all different things just to show "the powers that be" that we are doing this. If instructors are… >>>

I have never been a good "touchy-feely" type of person. I do care about students and I try to reflect that on opening day. While I don't see the sense of ice-breakers just for the sake of having ice breakers, I do see the need for "an opening" that is course related.

We take these classes primarily because we are required to do so; however, I use them to reinforce what I learned in college. It is nice to know that I was taught correctly. It was nice to know that I actually paid attention, and it is nice to know that I practice what was preached to me. I do believe that a lot of times we get hung up with the bottom line and forget about the the student him/herself. I do believe that there is so much more that can be learned away from the course/textbooks. It is up… >>>

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