Beatrix Fox

Beatrix Fox

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the syllabus and outline of a course is very important to communicate and have documentation on first day of class and throughout entire curriculum as this will set the tone of how you manage a class. Emphasizing the importance of handing in assignments on time, deadlines and course participation prepares the student of what lies ahead and pre-sets success for the students. remind students of what real world expectations are in the career they are striving for and what these expectations actually look like in the real workforce.

when introducing content to students, try to deliver information in a variety of styles to assure that all students are grasping of what is being taught. Preparing is very important and knowing the subject thoroughly is important because students can seek questions with different frames of minds. Deliver the topic in ways that will allow students can digest and understand the study at hand and be open minded with teaching strategies. 

with new students coming set the tone with a great first impression and try to make the classroom feel warm and welcoming. As an instructor, give a brief history about yourself so students can have a better sense of what you are about on a personal level. Engage students and get to know them personally by name recognition,  appearance as well as by means of name tenting. Spend the first day explaining, course, syllabus and expectations and the other half by getting to know each other with an open discussion, e.g., tell me about yourself, etc.

planning ahead, being prepared, organization and order are all essential for instructors. Knowing the content, course, subject matter and syllabus are crucial when managing a classroom and it's students. You can never be overly prepared and it is of an essence for students to sense that their teacher is not only structured and well-organized but, also know that their teacher knows the course inside out and has a solid plan for how the courses will be presented, taught and carried out in a well organized manner so the students will have a clear and precise understanding of what each course… >>>

professionalism, organization and instructional style are 3 important key factors when it comes to taking on a role as an instructor. Students need a role model that not only instructs but also displays confidence, knowledge and passion for the subject matter being taught. As teachers, it is also our responsibility to continuously work on our professional development plan so that we may also grow as individuals in the teaching industry. Do not fall into the trap of becoming buddies with the students, yes, we can mentor and guide but also keeping boundaries is essential. Overall, strive to be a motivating,… >>>

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