Scott Becker

Scott Becker

Location: midwest

About me

I am a bit of a mixed bag of different experiences having started out in fine arts fresh out of college and quickly migrating to advertising and marketing through the medium of magazine publication. The transition to the medium of personal computer based graphics came about in the late eighties and the expertise in 3D CG in the last decade and a half.




autodesk maya


Content is always a key issue.

This section explains what were many somewhat enigmatic mindsets to those who have taught in the conventional classroom.

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This section explains what were many somewhat enigmatic mindsets to those who have taught in the conventional classroom.

Based upon the content of both EL102 and EL109, it appears that a shift in focus fron synchronous to asynchronous is in order. My question in terms of effective implementation comes in drawing the different types of students to particpate more frequently and cooperatively. It is obvious that a more proactive plan of direct contact is in order.

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The idea of reward seems intertwined with student participation in discussion. They seems to naturally seek a sure fire format as instructed and hover around the idea of affirmation rather than constructive criticism. The ego of some is demonstrated by trying to outperform the others in total verbiage.
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I have noticed that setting a clear example of what specifically is expected of a student in terms of the scope of their discussion responses is key to having them stay on target. A simple shopping list for a given topic listing required resources and format considerations go a long way to setting the right tone.
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As the online experience is essentially by default primarily asynchronous it is important to humanize the interaction with a sense of common purpose focused around learning the topic as a common goal. The development of an atmosphere of accessibility where students feel that they can count on the instructor as an involved partner in the process of their achieving success in their career seems a nexus. This provides a context for communication where the student trusts that the observations of the instructor about that world beyond are a sort of initiatory process that brings them a step closer to their… >>>

Adobe Connect can be a vehicle for student teacher conferences where a particular technique needs to be reviewed on a step by step basis.
A student must feel that your demonstrated qualifications in course content exceed the material provided and that they will through your facilitation learn something 'special' that they would not otherwise be privy to if not in your class. In this sense the instructor must orchestrate their performance in a manner akin to that of a showman.
The issue of instilling an inspiration to consider possible solutions beyond those presented within the context of a single lesson in a strictly asynchronous setting has much to do with the level of engagement of the student in the comfort of his/her own environment. You are a guest in their house presenting yourself through your own style in a manner that the student feels is helping them. The feedback element is pretty much at the discretion of the student and not always easily shared with the instructor as the two are selectively engaged at least from the student's POV.

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