Ade Vinton

Ade Vinton

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Show interest and enthusiasm in the material that you are teaching so that the students can remain engaged. A lack of enthusiasm and effort from the instructor will encourage the students to react in the same way. Use role-play as one of the methods of learning and allow students to put into practice what they have learned and present situations for them to use problem-solving and communication skills to work together and learn from one another. 

Teach in a way that will keep students engaged. As an instructor, you do not want to lose your students but you can use some teaching methods that will allow the students to learn the material/content in a fun and focused way. Furthermore, allow the students to share their experiences as these can assist with the learning process but do not encourage one-on-one competition between students as this can disrupt the learning environment. Instead, have group competition that encourages learning in the classroom.

It is important to provide or at least assist with providing support for students who are in need of it; especially when there are resources available to help. Being a good motivator is also helpful because everyone's reasons for seeking their education can vary from person to person. Understanding the motivation behind a student's learning might shed light on how the instructor/professor can best help.

Be as professional as possible, but also be compassionate and model the behavior you would want your students to model.

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