Arturo Rodriguez

Arturo Rodriguez

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The content is not necessarily the most difficult part of teaching on line. I sense that communication, technology skills or the lack of those skills, and generational differences of the students are all things that an on line teacher must constantly work on as well.

Setting standards for communicating with each other. Having a clearly defined code of conduct with consequences. Will become standard in any online classes I am involved with from here on. It just makes sense that even when dealing with adult learners this is a good practice.

Consistency is the key and having a well organized module. This will make it easy for the student to locate information as they need it.

Being involved in message boards on a timely basis is very important. The facilitator must respond to questions and include questions for students so that they make their own discoveries and come up with their own interprestations. 

I find that clear and concistant communication is the most important factor. This will prevent confusion for the students and keep them from giving up on the course. 

I had not considered if the learning tool was compatible with the desired learning outcome. I realize that understanding the technology and matching it correctly to the student, their learning styles and the learning goal all play a part in the process.

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