Aaron  Phillips

Aaron Phillips

About me

I am a Program Director at a technical college in Tucson Arizona. My background is in the medical field and business. I love engaging students and sharing my experiences to assist in the learning process.


CM102 helped me to understand the broader picture of the industry. often my focus is my sector of the industry but seeing the other aspects has helped me to be more informed.

Discussion Comment
This is the easiest way to set Academics and Career Services up for failure. When a prospective student is promised more than a quality education and provided facts, the team is set up for failure. We must refrain from guarantees, rely on our SME's and work as a team. When we enroll based on "shock and awe" and then don't deliver because those promises are not reality we create disgruntled students and bad PR.
Discussion Comment
Word of mouth buzz is one of the main attractions to our schools. If we are known to hound prospects or any potential students the negative idea will spread like wild fire. There are plenty of prospects within the realm we can play in there is no need to press the limits of DNC.

I agree with the 80/20 rule. I teach from formal experience. I stress to the students that the book knowledge provides a foundation with knowlegde of "industry speak" and the like, but the learning will begin on the job. I also stress to students to identify what they like and look to match skills and not job titles in the job market.


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