james Anderson

james Anderson

About me


The data does not. However, there are a number of dental offices that are downsizing due to the economy. I have also noticed a decrease in patient scheduling. I do not relate this to my students because I do not want to discourage them from pursuing their dream job.
How can we continue to motivate students if jobs are not readily available?
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I believe the establishing a bond with every student is key to retention. Before the start of each class, I like to share stories about my day at my dental office and would ask if anyone has anything they would like to share. This opens the communication door.
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I feel the orientation process is a great way for the student to gain information about the school their about to attend. I also believe the instructors need to be involved with the orientation so that the students can meet the instructors.
I like the idea of having an admission check list. However, I feel the check list is sometimes set aside to fill a seat. When this happens you get students that are really not motivated to be there, cause problems, and often interrupts the learning process of other students. Everyone deserves an education, but where is the line drawn to eliminate what we know will be a problem student. I like the idea a an admission check list, but I like the idea of a motivation check list even better!
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It is very easy for one negative person to tear the team apart. How can you encourage positivity to someone that is so negative and not interested in anything? Even after surrounding that person with positive people.
I noticed one of my students (who is normally engaged in my lecture) was having a bad night. I pulled this student aside and asked if she was ok. She explained to me that she was having issues at home. I told her to take five minutes to gather herself and not to worry about the things that are out of her control, and if there was I could do she could come to me. She was very happy that I allowed her to take care of home first so she could focus of her education.
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Our students are our customer. So as instuctors or what ever your job title, we need to be great at selling our product, which is education.
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Without question, I try to be more than just an instructor to my students. By doing so it makes it easier for them to come to me when they have an issue in or out of school.

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