Amy Colquitt

Amy Colquitt

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I just wished they had shared some of these apps that people use who have learning disabilities. 

This helped me better understand the difference between Accommodations and Modifications.

I was surprised how often dyslexia and ADHD go hand in hand; often 30-50% chance of having both.

I did not learn new information, bc I have 2 daughters at home with dyslexia. All this is a repeat. I was surprised, however, that approximately 10% of the population has a type of learning disability. 

I have so many super smart students that sometimes I feel that I fall short. However, I KNOW that I am more knowledgeable about my field of study. I need to remember that I am there to share what I know with them. 


I usually give tests that are true/false or multiple choice. I like the idea of short answer to help to diminish cheating. Also, i think standing in the back of the room would help as well. 

I like the idea, as well, of the 4 member presentations to help the quieter students come out of their shell and participate. 

It was interesting to see the different strategies on dealing with each type of student. I can picture each of these students as one of mine that was discussed. I will incorporate some of these strategies. 

Ive learned that expectations need to be set up at the beginning of the course. I need to obtain a better Late Assignment policy, bc it has been a problem for my students in the past. 

I also realize that I need to explain to the students the reason for all the information that I am teaching them. That way they will know "Whats In it For Me."

It was interesting to see how to change up multiple choice questions to make them more application questions rather than just recall. 

Also, I do a lot of True/False bc they are common in healthcare testing. The suggestion of having the student circle T or F was great!!! I always have trouble with determining the answers when they are written in. 

I was interested in the different levels of learning. My goal is to add more active learning and problem solving learning in the classroom. 

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