Anna Moyer

Anna Moyer

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Active Learning is preferred by adult learners because as adults we prefer to see how the knowledge will fit into our careers and we are used to being personally involved in the process of information transfer.

Becoming an advanced instructor is a process. It requires a commitment to self discovery and the ability to be kind to yourself as well as a sense of humor. Professionals always have to be willing to laugh at themselves but also maintain the boundaries that separate them from their customers, in this case, the students. Preparation and organization can eliminate many of the pitfalls and problems for a new instructor by always having enough material to keep a class going.

Disruptive students cause loss of learning opportunities for the remainder of students and must be dealt with early. If one can determine why a student is behaving in such a way and discuss solutions that both the instructor and student can agree on the class and relationship may be saved. If no solution works, documentation of all efforts is necessary to take actions to protect the rights of the rest of the class to further their learning by removing the disruptive student.

While cheating doesn't necessarily disrupt other students, it does undermine the perceived quality and integrity of the course… >>>

Getting to know your students can give an instructor insight into why they are displaying challenging behavior. Instructors must be firm and fair and create strategies that enforce respect for the students time and contributions as well as requiring respect for the instructors time.

Students will have more interest in a class and want to perform better if they can see that the content is relevant and can be directly applied to the career for which they are studying. Once the students have personalized the class content instructors must make every effort to create accurate expectations as to how content will be delivered. Instructors must then introduce clear expectations as to how the students are to participate in class, produce and turn in assignments and projects, and what ever else it takes to pass the class. Instructors must be fair but firm with their… >>>

Motivating students includes getting to know your students and their reasons for taking on debt and risk to be in school. Helping to remind people why they started the journey can get them through difficult courses. Being a subject expert and being fair and supportive allows students to take risks that lead to success that improves motivation.

Students draw energy and motivation from an instructor's enthusiasm for the class materials. Engaging all students and compelling participation in class activities helps prepare students to use what they've learned to create actionable interventions that are applicable to their future careers. Including excitement and fun helps learners easily retain important information for this synthesis.

Activities that are fun and creative appeal to adult learners just as much as they do to children. They can allow the students to relax for a few minutes so they can approach the lesson plan feeling fresh and ready to learn.

Motivating and retaining student interest can only happen if basic needs, both physical and psychological, are met; so tools must be available for everyone to reach their individual goals. Additionally, each student wants validation of both successes and challenges. Getting to know each student provides opportunities to acknowledge successes and provide advice and guidance for challenges. Ultimately, each student approaches the learning process based on their reason for being in class but all learning ultimately satisfies a need for self-actualization and esteem.

Class preparation, lesson planning, and delivery needs to address as many learning styles as possible. Practicing one's delivery and getting feedback from peers is essential for fine tuning your content delivery.

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