Amdanda Ramey

Amdanda Ramey

About me


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The first week is crucial in the classroom, it sets the tone for the rest of their schooling. If the students are bored and feel that they have not learned anything within the first week, there goes retention.
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It takes a village to reaise a child and it takes a school to raise a college graduate. There is not just one support person for students, there needs to be many. Everyone at the school should have their hand in whether the students are successful in their road to that college degree.
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I have a issues with students who do not attend school orientation, they tend to be unaware of the rules that are set forth for them. the should have been discussed with them by the admissions rep, but things always get missed, and that is where orientation comes in. I find that students that do not attend orientation seem to be missing something and have a hard time adjusting to college life.
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I have several students who have become friends with one another and tend to compete with each other. I have a difficult time keeping the focus on what they received and not just competing for a good grade.
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What can we do on a personal level to help with student retention?

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