Albert Lucini

Albert Lucini

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If you can disipline yourself to do it, work to converse with those students that always seem to want a one-on-one conversation immediately after the break or lunch bell rings. Don't give them the "This is better done before/after class" excuse. Oft times their "I have a quick question" will turn into a ten to fifteen minute discussion but you will establish a real connection because there mindset at THAT time is 'I'm gonna be here anyway & I wanna talk at my convienence' They're much more likely to "open-up" than before class when their facing a deadline,...or after class… >>>

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This is "Part 1" To your first question; Some students expect to repeat their high-school experience; i.e. "they'll pass me no matter what I do if I show up enough" Some others are "observers" and do not participate in class or lab. And there are some that actively try to gain attention by sleeping, talking, horseplay, and disrepectful behaviour in order to draw a disiplinary comment from the instructor - they wear it as a badge of honor. To your second question; Working to retain the student means you work to draw their interest into the subject matter of class… >>>

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Sorry, I seem to have been cut-off. In conclusion, I believe that only through a consistent, empathetic mentoring during the full length of their training will they come to develop the social skills that will enable them to be not just successful in their career paths but more successful people. Happily, I have had the opportunity many times to see progress along this path for many students during their tenure in my school, often it is most evident, more advanced and more dramatic when you see them sometines years later in their lives
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Over my years as an instuctor of automotive and diesel students, I've seen the incredible variety of student types that are contained within the 17-25 year old, male, single, still-at-home group that form the majority of our student body. I like to believe that all of them are better for being here than not being here. I believe they all gain self-respect and develop necessary life skills by attending these programs. All this goes beyond the particular course of study they're here for. Here, often away form Mom & Dad for the first time; they learn (or at least are… >>>

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In my previous instructional postions, I was able to make my own tests & quizes. As we encourage our students to persue the ASE Certification Tests I always constructed my tests in that format; i.e. multiple choice, some with "refer to illustration" and usually 25 to 50 questions in length. In my opinion, by mimicking the ASE format and length we better prepare them for the actual type of written test they might eventually benefit from taking.
As part of ANY course I instruct, I frequently refer to the interpersonal relationships that are so much a part of our everyday lives we tend to take them for granted. Every student has a friend/relative/associate/aquaintance that they "like"; that everyone seems to get along with; that they themselves would like to emulate. I suggest to them that THAT person has DEMONSTRATED soft skills. And that they should consider using that person as a role model.
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When asking questions related to ANY topic - I try to form them in such a manner so that there is no BLACK OR WHITE answer. With an appropiate pause and the right inflection, the "what if" is heard even if it not spoken. They students themselves ask for more information about the conditions of the question so they can formulate an answer. These responses insure and identify exactly which students have been drawn into the discussion as well as exposing those that are not engaged.

When in a lab/shop situation and a series of tasks, measurements or observations are to be performed, especially where they must lead to a conclusion or a recomendation, I have found it to be most helpful to prepare and assign a "worksheet" that provides a directed and structured method of the tasks to be performed. The students individually OR in a team may work independantly of the instructor and decide and report their OWN observations/conclusions as directed by a well-prepared "worksheet". This has the added advantage of allowing the instructor to oversee the entire class as opposed to concentrating on… >>>

Previous to my current position I instructed a multi-subject module wherein I had, over a 3 month period, the need to present basic automotive electical skills, steering, suspension & alignment fundamentals, HVAC and introductions to hydraulics, welding and preventative maintainance. I wrote and constantly ammended or updated individual worksheets for the students to use as they applied there classroom instruction to actual componentry repair, adjustment or service. These proved to be most effective as they insured the students performed the correct tasks in the correct order and to the necessary level of competence as confirmed by the measurements and answers… >>>

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