Alicia Bailey

Alicia Bailey

Location: east paris

About me

Hello, My name is Alicia Bailey. I am a former elementary school teacher (6 years) and salesperson (8months). I have 1 daughter who is my world and she has 3 beautiful older sisters whom I also adore! I love reading, exercising, and spending time traveling with my family. I love to eat fruits and vegetables as well as fish. I am not a great cook but I love cooking and am learning. The moment that most impacted my life other than the birth of my first born is the death of my mother. They came and went within 4 months of each other (Passed in August/born in December) My heart breaks every time I think about her never getting to see her only grand child. I am an only child, but do have an older step sister that I have grown very close with. I spend a lot of time in positive though with daily positive affirmations as well as listening to Chakra tones (spa music). I also love to write poetry and journaling helps me to constantly stay in touch with myself as well as provide an outlet emotionally. I am very easy going!


reading, writing, exercising, spending time with family


teaching, sales


I learned a lot about the online Admissions process as well as tools. I printed a lot of information off and put it in my training folder. The course was very easy to manuver as well as smooth. 

This site gives you information on and monitors and regulates Ohio’s private post-secondary career colleges and schools to ensure compliance with minimum standards set by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3332. It also gives you updates on new policies as well as who's apart of the board, gives you updated laws and rules as well as consumer information such as statistics and other links. 

Discussion Comment

I am a fan of resource books and organizational charts. What, specifically have you found to be of great use in your resource book? is there a particular way that you found to organize it or was it already organized enough for you? 

i.e. did you build off of the the training book given or did you recreate one for your own use? 

What are some good best practices that have been found in creating your working resource binder? 

How far have you gone with keeping up with new information/updates? (set schedule of checking site?, are there automatic notifications?) 

How close are you with co-workers in other departments? 

Discussion Comment

What are some good best practices that have been found in creating your working resource binder? 

How far have you gone with keeping up with new information/updates? (set schedule of checking site?, are there automatic notifications?) 

How close are you with co-workers in other departments? 

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