Alex Estabillo

Alex Estabillo

Location: miami, fl

About me

I am an instructor at NGH Watchmaking School, Miami.


micromechanics, watchmaking


Discussion Comment

Yes!  Asking a student a closed question opens an opportunity to refocus toward the key point.  If trailing to a tangent, I'll often cut to the chase and ask, "What is this leading to?”.

If the answer is connected to the key point, I'll get excited and use it as foreshadowing which adds suspense to the lecture.

A well rounded lecture is entertaining as well as educational.

Yes, a positive attitude is very important in a learning environment.  Defeatist attitude is strangely contagious when outlooks are not aligned to the learning process.

If their words are written digitally, challenge the students to engage the software to activate or modify autocorrect.  After this is done, require students' written words to do the same.


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Small talk gets the ball rolling.  Even if it's off topic, there's usually a convoluted way to steer the conversation to the topic at hand.  If not, at least it breaks the ice.

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Open ended answers are difficult grade since incorrect or even irrelevant details can offset the core, correct response.  Feedback in the way of questioning can help direct the student to trim, focus, or redefine their understanding of a concept.

Discussion Comment

Suggesting work be completed via group activity sounds too open ended.  Definitely take charge in creating the groups, and have them solve or complete a simple/short activity to break the ice.

Blog Comment

I started with ED101, then jumped to ED116 (Critical Thinking).  I'm looking forward to ED104.

Not only experienced, but you could tell they really enjoyed what they were doing.

An instructor's organization and preparation can be mastered early , but inspiring, motivating, and reading your students requires much more experience.


Blog Comment

How is it going now?

I started instructing several years ago, and I recognized a lot of personal errs and successes highlighted in ED101.  It's definitely a valuable course for someone who is new to instructing.

Although the content of what we teach is different, we are still preforming the same job.  New ideas for content delivery, media, and student interation are always welcome.

The Principal Story was effective in highlighting the leadership roles played not only in the Principals, but the teachers, the respective city's department of education, and even the parents.

The pacesetting leadership of the retired teacher proved to be unsuccessful in saving the weaker teacher.  The situation may have called for a coersive strategy, but that may have broken her beyond repair.  What happened to her?

It seemed the restructuring of the organization of the schools was implemented by a leader's vision.  Long term effects were the focus, but the short term impact was heart felt.

One student expressed the… >>>

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