Adonna Lewis

Adonna Lewis

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These ideas are great.  It would help me to to deliver content that is difficult and help me to motivate students that would otherwise be unintereste. 


Very informative segment. I have learned why exactly different form of test are used and the criteria that goes into constructing sound reliable and valid test.

So far I have learned the many different stratagies to better address the different styles.  I have also come to realize that my learning style has changed or maybe one style has become more dominant over another.  In the past i needed to see for myself however now I am quite comfortable with auditory and would jot down anything that I feel need more clarity.


The intergration of 15 mini lessons. I still have to decipher how to shorten without loosing content and overall structure. No matter what delivery we choose, it's all about time management 

I have learned another technique for helping to remembering students names and the importance of why we do what we do no matter how simple or insignificant it may feel. Putting yourself in the student's position helps to answer the why's... and that reinforaces my sense of duty. To inspire and be creative and not to go through the motions because I have to.

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