Aldgenette Leatherwood

Aldgenette Leatherwood

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Discussion Comment

It was very interesting to me to find out what "FERPA" meant and what it consisted of.  Again, being that I am an instructor, and do not or have not had the opportunity to be educated with all of the pertinent knowledge of student rights, etc., as well as the rights of a spouse or parent of a student.  I can say that I have truly learned a lot in this area of the education environment.

It was very interesting to me to find out what "FERPA" meant and what it consisted of.  Again, being that I am an instructor, and do not or have not had the opportunity to be educated with all of the pertinent knowledge of student rights, etc., as well as the rights of a spouse or parent of a student.  I can say that I have truly learned a lot in this area of the education environment.

It was interesting to find that each department plays an important role in student retention.  I knew that retention was important in career colleges; and how it impacted the funding of the school when enrollment is down.  However, I did not know that each department was involved in the process.  Now  I can understand why so many added responsibilities are placed on faculty, other than what we were hired to do.  In the past, I have always tried to go the extra mile to do whatever is necessary to see our students successful in completing their program.  Now I will… >>>

I had never given much thought to this topic until I took this course.  Now I understand why online instructors should be aware of communication differences among generations.  It is basically the same as having the mix of generations in on ground classes. You must know how to communicate to all generations in order to get the point across, keep the students engaged and interested; as well as create a learning environment that's conducive for learning for all age groups.

I really enjoyed the section of the importance of learning students' names on the first day class.  I was already knowledgeable of learning all students names.  However, what I enjoyed about what was shared in this lesson was 1.) Having students to state their names and then say something specific and personal about them that they would feel comfortable sharing with classmates.  2.) Taking pictures of the class and label names for your own personal use if it's a large class.  I'll try both of these technique during the fall because I have small and large classes and sometimes it's… >>>

It was quite interesting to learn and understand how to work with students who are faced with English as a learning language.  I now understand why foreign students who are not fluent in the English language have a problem with understanding directions with assignments, test or even materials covered in the text book.  After studying this portion of the lesson, I will be a lot more patient and able to tolerate the students better. 

In order to successfully instruct learners with disabilities, the instructor must first be aware of the disability and second, the instructor must be sure the the college provides the necessary equipment to accommodate the students who have disabilities.
When instructing diverse learners, instructors must be careful to tailor and modify materials and information to be covered in the classroom so that the students at the beginners level of learning can grasp the concept of the course. I've found that if it is simple enough for the beginners, then, I don't worry about if the intermediate and advanced students can get because 100 percent of the time, they do.
Students should be monitored from the first day of class and each day thereafter. This allows the instructor to determine if there are problems,etc. that are starting among students in the classroom. This will allow the instructor to intervene and resolve the problems before they get too far out of hand. Monitoring also allows the instructor to see the personalities, attitudes and behaviors of each student in the classroom.
We, as educators should know the importance of communicating in the classroom; whether it is during a lecture, explaination, or general conversation to one student or to the entire class. Our students are always paying attention to us; therefore, we should always be clear and concise when communicating with the students.

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