George Forbes

George Forbes

About me


Where do you suggest we find accurate and detailed info on careers for the programs offered at a school?
As a Director, I am always in search of training, but how often is sufficient to keep me fresh in my management style?
While growing your database of possible employers, what are some useful ideas? We were thinking about doing social networking events providing refreshments and snacks. Do you feel like this would be an acceptable setting to introduce employers to the school and possible graduates?
As a school director, I very much believe in first impressions, and dressing for success! When teaching interviewing skills, I have often wanted to make it mandatory to see a student put in the effort to dress for success for a real interview. Would I be breaking any discrimination rules or ethics? We have a very detailed outline of casual professional dress.
Once a student graduates, what is an acceptable time line for them to become placed? Is there a better system, or example to use as a guideline?

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