Alana Dudley

Alana Dudley

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Teaching online verses F2F teaching takes some imagination and creativity. With the use of powerpoint, audio/videos and blogs are helpful ways for students to be engaged with the learning.


I learned how important positive feedback is for students. Being able to interact and letting them know that you are paying attention. Most importantly making sure being able to assess the students as well.


So me personally I have been taking online classes for a little over a year now and the way I am being taught is asynchronous. Now for someone like me who likes to have full control of my class, I have learned that when dealing with adults they need to be more responsible for thier own actions. I really like the asynchronous way of teaching and learning. 


I have learned that using other forms of technology to make your initial point and to make sure that your students are getting all aspects of what you are teaching is important and can be done in so many ways. Being able to not only have a class view YouTube videos, but also to be able to have those videos or the link to them attached in a PowerPoint that you are also lecturing to them makes teaching and learning for a student a great learning tool.


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