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I took this class as proactive to what is happening in the world today.  I don't know if there will be classes in school or we will be expected to teach on line.  This course I felt was geared more toward the older student than the primary grades.  I know it is important plan my instruction but to do that for such young students will be a challenge.  I will rise to the challenge and make it work if need be.  I will use google classroom as my platform and aligen the work as my district expects.

I learned that I will need to use various ways of evaluating my students.  I like the use of using the portfolio.  I remember making my portfolio and referred to it often in my first few years of teaching.

What i learned from this is that FEEDBACK is important.  Don't just give a grade.  Give an explanation on how or what needs to be improved.  If you have a special needs student, use the appropriate feed ex. if one is blind give verbal, hearing impaired give written.

Reply to Courtland Grimm's post:I think that it necessary that scaffolding is in both planning and learning.  One needs to have prior knowledge before learning  a something new.  It's lke teaching reading.  I want my students to read an article, story or book but I just can't give it to them and say read it.  I have students that don't know the vocabulary.  I need to teach that vocab first before expecting my students  to do what I want.  Things  have to be differinated/scaffolded. I can't expect a newcomer to the USA to understand and perform as someone who… >>>

I learned that the syllabus is the roadmap to the class. Everything you need to know about the course should be included in the syllabus.  Communication is the key to success.  Scaffolding is also important in learning the content of the course because it building on prior knowledge.

I learned that it is important to stay consisent.  Keep the module framework the same, so the students know where to find things.  Test the course before to know what still needs to worked out.

I agree.  I think that the instructor has to well versed in using the platform and knowing how to make best use of the computer and time.  For me, I am still learning how to add things to my google classroom.  The more I use this technology, the easier it should become.  I still feel "safer" in the traditional classroom.


Since I currently have no classroom and have been subbing the past 9 years I hope to implement things from this course in the near future.  I have taken a few on line courses and appreciate feedback in a timely matter.  I know that first after understanding and familiarizing myself with the course andplatform, I would want to get to know my students.  I would prepare my bio and in turn ask for theirs.  I need to knowt how I would record and keep all communications with students.  Always following the guidelines of the institution I am working for.  My… >>>

I learned that one should keep their record keeping simple and organized.  It can be done as assignment names or indiviual folders.  Give guidelines on how you want emails labeled.  Let students know that someone else may respond.  Before posting a question, check FAQ first.  Procrastination may present itself for some students who know that they don't have to show for class at a given time, but still have course work to do.  E-mailing is the best option of communicating with students but a private chat could also do.  Keep record of chat if this is form is used.

Asynehrounous discussions can be viewd as the heart of on line courses.  I learned that these discussions are for everyone and help engage all students in participating.   Synchronous discussions are in real time and invovle 1-5 students.  Feedback is important but in grading and or critiquing a student's work it should always be done in a synchronous discussion of 1 on 1. 

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