Alex Wood

Alex Wood

About me


The disbursement notification/acknowledgement process is enlightening for me as it helps me to identify which students need further guidance in and explanation of their financial aid. Often times, a student will have no idea what to make of the information I give them on their disbursement notification form [FRIGHTENING!]. This gives me the opportunity to go over the basics with the student maybe in a different way than it was originally explained to them: this and this are loans that you are going to have to pay back, this is a grant which you will not have to pay back,… >>>

When a checklist or self-check results in a "no": What type of advise can I offer to our admissions representatives for working with a prospective students who are obviously ill-suited to the program, yet seem insistent upon enrolling? Aside from telling a student they are not a good fit for the program, how can admissions representatives respectfully urge students to reconsider pursuing enrollment? What are some good tools or assignments admissions representatives could possibly send a prospective student home with before making their decision? Thanks for the input!

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