About me


I can not reset the final quiz for a second retrial because there isnoreset button  showing. How can Iproceed or unenroll in ED115 to do it all over again.

Scaffoldingis important to build upon the students knowlege and skills

The construction of course modules is important in consistently presenting to the student a understandable, readable and easy access of the learning material.

Have been using a mix of multipe choice, true/false and matching, completion questions on my test which has shown the fruits of this topic and helps me build further content to the students level of understanding.

Active learning can promote student involvement

I have learned that there are many forms ofquestioning to engage the students participation in the course study.

Taking under consideration  the  variety of learning styles amongst my  students, I can tailor my lectures and projects to meet these different styles so eveyone is gaining the knowledge needed to progress in the subject matter that is being taught.

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