Adriana Bernal

Adriana Bernal

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We want to be professional, but also show our students that we are human. When they get to know us a little bit, perhaps they will look forward to class more and be willing to reach out to us with questions. 

It is very important to understand the technology you are using. Students will feel much more comfortable if they can trust that the teacher is versed and able to answer questions and have things run smoothly.

It is very important to be observant with students. Everyone needs to be managed but most will require different strategies. Really good tips for dealing with challenging students for me as a new instructor. Younger students right out of highschool may need some guidance to adjust out of high school mentality and be more attentive. 

A good lesson plan will help new instructors tremendously. When demonstrating labs make sure all students have a good view and go around to the students when they are practicing the skill and commend them!

Know your material. It's okay to be nervous when first meeting your students, as a seasoned teacher or brand new. Preparation will be evident to your students.

Don't show the students how smart you are, show them how much you love what you are teaching.

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