Alissa Beckerle

Alissa Beckerle

About me


I found this class very informational. 

This course was very helpful. It causes you to look at your classroom management styles and is a bit humbling.  Many helpful and easy to implement stategies were given. 

I plan on working with my faculty to implement some of the skills I learned thorugh this course.  We have used some of the ideas already and look forward to expanding this teach style into more classes.

I really enjoyed this course and plan on sharing this information with the faculty as they prepare for their courses.  I agee with the course in that the biggest challenge is getting students to prepare in advance for active learning.  If we can manage to get them to do that, we'll have a much more successfull and fulfilling program. 

This is the second time that I have taken this course.  I think the repitition helps in fully understanding the material and also keeps me refreshed on transperancy and compliance.

@IseadMMartell : This course helped me to understand the basis for many decisions that are made on our campus.  Being an instructor that has recently been promoted to administration, I was unaware of most of the regulations that must be followed to received funding and accreditaiton.

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