JungYun Shin

JungYun Shin

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I start my class with my presentation. It's pretty much about summarization of textbook. Students already read the chapter that I present in class and know about the content. So they usually do not have any questions. Just close the presentation without receiving questions? or can you suggest some solutions to make my students ask me questions?
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It is hard to say "no" to boss, so I sometimes spend extra time to do some tasks. If it's too much extra work, maybe every day, every week, I might say no..but if it does not require too much time, I usually say "yes".
When I critique my students artwork, I tell good point of view first and then give corrective corrective feedback..sometimes negative feedback. Giving a negative feedback is always bad or make them encouraged? What exactly the difference between corrective and negative feedback? I think, both the corrective and negative deliver the same ideas...just a different of expressing. For example, in art work critique, elements are well organized...however, you'd better think of different colors for this part..it is corrective. This color does not go well with other colors..it is negative. But these two delivers same meaning to change colors.
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How do you make your classroom environment comfortable? I took ESL classes long time ago to learn English when I came to the US from my origin country. I felt nervous when I was at the classroom...It is important to make students from overseas or who do not speak English feel comfortable when they learn English...it helps them to learn English faster...what do you think?
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I talked to program chair about the student..and he said this student does the same behavior in other classes, too. He wants to see some result or out right away...but it cannot be! I will keep watching and talking to him for changing his behavior.
What is more important? Well,, to respect instructor is important but to like instructor is also important. I can respect an instructor if he or she shows students his or her knowledge or shares experience. However, it is sometimes hard to like the instructor as a human I know, hard to come closer to the instructor as general human relationship. I sometimes have lunch with my students, they like and respect me. So I cannot say which one is more important.
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I have one student who is not patient in class. It takes time to get a certain result, but this student does not wait. Whenever he gets frustrated he leaves classroom and come back in an hour or leaves for the day. I do not know how to control his behavior(leaving classroom).
I am teaching computer software like photoshop or illustrator. Some students learn really fast by watching one time of demonstration but some students need to see again and again. I cannot keep staying at one demo to make them understand. I need to keep moving..sometimes I cannot finish shat I need to teach in class. What can I do..?
I set a class policy including "late assignment" rule. I accept late assignment by the following class of assignment due with 10% deduction of point. But there are a few students who miss assignment often and just skip to turn in. I give them one more chance to submit the missing assignment by the last class of the term to get at least "pass grade". In this case, I talk to the students individually because I do not want my student to fail the class.

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