Veronica Roldan

Veronica Roldan

About me

Hello Everyone,

My name is Veronica Roldan I am a Director of Career Services.  I took this course and I enjoyed it very much it gives me a better understanding when setting realistc and achievable goals.  Hope everyone else enjoyed this course.




human resources background


It is essential to have an admission representative that knows all rules and regulations. To avoid any misunderstanding with candidates.

Every day we encounter challenges that can get in the way to service our students.  One of the most common challenge in Career Services  is keeping our graduates motivated and focus on what is important to them which is finding employment.

Blog Comment

Good simple and to the point.

Our department CS frequently meets with the administration and conduct workshops for them and we highlight the importance of our graduates sucess. I find this to be positve energy because if you really care and have a student you have known for month and you see that person coming to school and even struggle to get by...the student grows on you, why wouldn't you want to be involved in that person sucess.

The way the buy in is measured is by conducting meeting with head departments and explain how students sucess is everyone responsability. I know our company conducts monthly call-a-thons for our grads and we recruit staff from other departments, and we work together and the goal is to reach out and engage to all of our graduate sometimes hearing a different voice or talking to another individual can make a graduate more confortable. Once the administration understands this concept then is easy for the rest of the staff to follow. At the end of the day we have a commitment… >>>

One of the services my institution provides for the students is externship program where a potential employer will have more time to evaluate the student skills and by the same token the student will have a chance to see if the site is a potential place for employment.
Career Services should be a part of all decision making at the institution particularly in the admission department both of these department are the front and back end of students outcome.
When it comes to graduate outcome I am 100% sure that everyone in the institution needs to be working together for a positive outcome.
In addition to the already existing barriers some additonal that I find in graduates is the barrier that the graduate uses against him/her for intance the lack of transportation should not be used by graduates a barrier to find employment on the contrary it is a challange but it should not be a problem.

Every day we encounter challenges that can get in the way to service our students.  One of the most common challenge in Career Services  is keeping our graduates motivated and focus on what is important to them which is finding employment.

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