Geri Reisinger

Geri Reisinger

About me


I totally agree.  You can be an expert on your subject matter; however, what it comes down to is how well you deliver the information.  Do your students understand what you are trying to get across to them?

However, what happens when you have a book that students have to follow in order to learn what they need to in order to pass the class and move to the next level.  They have to learn and memorize certain things in order to progress.  There is no variance.  How do you go about teaching the students who just cannot learn or… >>>

Discussion Comment

I also found it interesting about the different labels for different types of instructors.  It got me thinking about my instructors in the past as well as what type of instructor I am.  I also thought it was a great suggestion, that if you are a bit introverted to stand at the entrance door to your classroom and greet each student as they enter.  Another point that I am going to incorporate is to have my students write down on a 3 x 5 card what they think their strengths and weaknesses are, even though I verbally ask my students this… >>>

Being prepared and organized is an inherent part of teaching in order to be a role model to students. Other than having lessons plans prepared, handouts for the students, teaching according to the curriculum, and preparing the students to be successful for their chosen careers, how else can I be prepared?

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