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Settling the First Class Meeting Nerves

Most instructors as they start a new class have a case of nerves even if they have taught before.  A small case of nerves is ok because it shows that you are still concerned that everything will go well with your new students.   The key is to make sure that your nerves don't get take control of your presentation efforts.

There are some strategies you can use to help get your nerves under control and feel confident as you meet the class for the first time.

1. Be organized.  Get your handouts together and have them laying on the desk in the classroom.  If you are teaching online make sure you have posted the information and documents on the course site.  Do a quick review of the printed materials and/or posted materials to reassure yourself that you are good to go.

2.  Be prepared.  Layout your first class meeting in your mind.  Make a checklist of to do items so you know you are prepared and ready to go.

3.  Get to the class early and greet the students as they come in.  This really helps to create a connection between you and the students.  The exchange of a few words between you and your students will help to create a connection between you and them.

4.  Start on time.  Don't start the class late.  This sets the stage for student frustration which will increase your case of nerves.  If they get too aggitated it will be difficult to get them settled back down.

5.  Do an activity early in the class.  Put the students into small groups where they introduce themselves and then work on a problem solving activity.  This lets you move around the class and get a feel for the class dynamics.

This is a brief list of things you can do to help you to calm down, get focused and look forward to meeting the class for the first time.  The key is to project to your students that your are looking forward to teaching them, that you love your field and that you are excited about having the opportunity to share with them.   Enjoy teaching and the nerves wills settle quickly.


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