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Fear of Failure

Students, no matter their backgrounds, age or experiences are nervous the first time the class meets and for many of them they have a fear of failure.  When they enter a new class they want to know what it takes to be successful in the class.  This is where a well prepared syllabus and organized instructor comes into play.  In addition, there is the generational fear of failure.

For younger students, especially those just out of high school the fear of social failure is very high.  They wonder what their peers will think if they are not successful.   They want to be accepted and respected.  Even though they may be the youngest by age in the class they are by no means less able to complete the work.  The key is to help them understand the difference between high school and post secondary education.  They have the option of attending a post secondary program, be it a college or Technical Center.  They are paying money to receive an education that will help them make progress toward their career choice. These students want to be able to use their skills immediately in the class.  In most cases the skills will be more in the use of technology rather than life experiences which they have not had an extensive amount due to their age.

Those students that have been out of school for a number of years may have a high fear of failure as a result of them feeling they don't have the academic skills or they have forgotten how to study, etc.  These individuals have high motivation levels or they wouldn't have enrolled in a career program in the first place.  The key is for them to feel accpeted and respected just like the younger students.  Their acceptance needs to be based on them understanding that you will support their efforts and provide strategies that will help them to be successful.  These students want to use their life experiences to carry them in the course as they refresh their note taking, communication and study skills. 

The key to working with both groups is to reduce their fear of failure through early class success.  Small projects or activities that let them see that they can be successful are important.  Both groups are feeling their way their through the process of being students in a setting that is new to them.  With early success and patience both groups will learn how they can be successful as a result of putting forth the required effort and having confidence in their abilities.

The fear of failure is always going to be there, but it feels so good to me when I can smile at the students attending my class and give them hope of succeeding into a field that they will feel wanted and needed. Letting them know that they will have all the tools they need, they just need to slowly learn how to trust me (their instructor), the team of professionals on staff, their classmates and most importantly themselves. So many times I will see students reach the very end and they buckly because they are afraid of success. They have never experienced any such feeling and they don't know what to do. I love being the one to take their hand and let them know that it is ok to be in shock, that it is ok to take a few steps back, to breathe, but that we will need to move forward to reach those goals that they set way back when they enrolled in school. I absolutely love working in the education field and I look forward to helping more and more students overcome their fears.

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