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Respect the Secrect Weapon of Teaching

Educators today are always on the search for an additional teaching tool, strategy or method that will enhance the learning of their students.  They attend professional development seminars, read journals and confer with other educators about how they can expand their expertise in learning effectiveness.  While this are great ways to develop skill as an educator there is one element in teaching that needs to be worked on each time a class session is held and that is respect. 

Respect needs to be a two exchange.  Both the instructor and the students need to each other's respect.  Respect cannot be donated nor gifted it has to be earned.  So from the first class session on instructors need to work on earning the respect of their students.  By being organized prepared and professional the beginning steps in earning respect has been started.  By sharing career experiences and credentials related to the field an educator is showing the student that he/she has something to offer students in the weeks to come.  Being supportive and caring helps to show the students that they are valued as both human beings and learners.  Responding to student questions and comments in a professional manner keeps the respect meter moving up to full scale.

The students will soon start to see that they have a professional educator directing their learning steps that cares about their success.  Once they realize this then they start to extend their respect to the instructor and rapport is developed between both parties.  When both respect and rapport is in place then learning can progress in a manner that enables students to be engaged and focused for the course duration.

Amen! I find that the best way to start off on the right foot is to be prepared and organized for the entire term by Day One--that way as an instructor you go into the teaching setting as confident and comfortable as you can be, allowing the respect to start to flow. 

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