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Teaching Problem Solving Skills

A common success factor for people in the work place is the ability to solve problems.  The buik of the employment opportunities revolve around solving problems for customers.  As you organize your course content try to include as many opportunities as you can for the students to develop problem solving skills.  After you have given them the needed content for their field provide them with experiences that will enable them to make application of that content.  Knowing the six steps to trouble shooting an equipment problem is one thing, applying those six steps is another.  Also, those six steps may not be clear and easy to follow when out in the field.  Students need to be able to analyze and determine what steps to follow and when each step is complete.  Many of the career field problems for which our students are preparing to enter are not specific but require thought, analysis and creativity to solve.

Create situations that enable students to refine and expand their problem solving skills.  The students will enjoy this part of the course as well as helping them to see the value of what they are learning.  In addition, problem solving in these situations is very low risk because they have you there to bck them up and help them work through the problem.  They will expand their expertise each time they complete one of these activities and by the time they complete the course they will have a much higher level of self confidence as they approach their first work situation on their own.

I realize that a lot of student are not able to think outside the box.  I employ them to utilize their research and problem solving skills before raising their hands.  I also encourage them to use their text book as a resource in my computer applications classes.  I believe its important for them to try first hand and If a mistake is made that upon reconciliation they realize the mistake and as the instructor I assist them in coming up with best practices for fixing the situation.  This approach gives them a sense of accomplishment and also fosters clear thinking and good judgement!

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