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Using the Basics

Sometimes simple is just as effective as the complex.  With the increased use of technology in classrooms today there is  a resource that is available but often ignored and that is the black or whiteboard.  Most classrooms are outfitted with these boards, even the newer ones.  So if there is one in your classroom make use of it so you can save time getting the class started and ready for that day's content.  You can list announcements for the day or coming week.  This way you can refer to them but not have to spend time going over them unless there are questions.  You can also list the objectives for the day on the board.  By doing so you have given the students a visual reminder of what is going to be covered.  Also throughout the lecture you can highlight each one of the objectives so the students can see that they have covered three objectives and have two more to go for example.  This shows them the progress that is being made in the class in a concrete observable way. 

Students have short memories when it comes to remembering due dates for assignments.  By listing the due dates in the syllabus, online and on the board they are receiving  multiple messages about upcoming assignments. 

By using the board you are using one more resource available to you that takes little time to prepare and is another communication tool for both you and your students.

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