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Don't Become a Babysitter

Don’t become a babysitter. This “fun” function emerges when certain students see you as a person that they can burden with their own personal baggage. You are there as a professional educator and unless you are running a childcare program you are not to be a babysitter. Many new instructors slip into this role without even knowing it. Encouragement, support, and fairness are what you must provide, not enablement.  Make sure your students know you are there to support them but always maintain a professional relationship so they will see you as an educator not a person that will do their work for them.


students need to understand that you are there to help them process their thoughts and figure out the best way for them to resolve their problems

I teach in a public school at grade level 7-12 during the day and at night to non-traditional students who are usually not of your typical college age. I do teach much of the same content at both levels,  but at different levels of thinking and application. It is sometimes difficult to do a switch or remember what mode I am in when I am teaching and what expectations I am setting forth. Not that I should be expected to babysit during my day job, but I do feel very much like I am a daytime babysitter compared to how well behaved my night-time adults are in class.  Maturity is obviously the reason, but I find myself sometimes setting the standards too high for my younger students or too low for my older students. 

I teach at a post secondary school where you would think that you do not have to be a babysitter. We have a large number of students that are severely challenged by organizational skills that makes it very hard for them to be successfull. It is a delicate balance between being helpful and baysitting. I find that a solid syllabus at the begining and reinforcement of that is most helpful in keeping them focused. Trying to stay on track is important but you must be willing to be flexible because every class is different in make up.

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