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Great Insights from ED104

ED104 really helped reinforce some good habits that I already use, but also reminded me of some methods that I have let go of, but really need to bring back again. I realize how important it is to put myself in the students' shoes first. They're all so different, and I am not from their same generation, background, habit circles, etc. It's much more rewarding and less frustrating when I remember that they are here to learn, and it just might take a few new methods to turn the lightbulb on in them

Here's how it works for me... every time I manage to turn a light on, it adds a key to my keyring. Over the years I've amassed quite a few keys, and when I have a recalcitrant student I start trying keys till I find the one that fits that student. Getting to know them and their background reduces the subset of keys I have to try before I find the right one.

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