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E-Learning Tools in the Traditional Learning Environment: Interview with Dr. John King

Dr. John King, Senior Vice President & Chief Academic Officer of Lincoln Education Services, joined me recently to talk about the need for eLearning tools to engage our students in traditional learning environments.  John speaks about why this is important, specific types of e-learning tools that are key, and how to get instructors comfortable with these tools.

I agree with Dr. King about the importance of getting instructors engaged in the different methods of education delivery. We encourage their personal professional development to help make them better instructors and allow many different methods to be included in that development. The more they use these different methods in their own education, the more comfortable they are using them to teach.

I totally agree with Dr. King on his misssion to engage student and to change the mindset of our teachers by implementing the learning tools to change the cultural disconnect with students and teachers.

Yes; rather than see technology as a barrier to learning, we should look to incorporate them into education; since students are so comfortable with them, this is an opportunity to re-educate them on how to use them for educational and development purposes.  Having access to vasts amounts of resources is wonderful, but if students use them only for leisure or entertainment purposes, they lose out on their full potential.

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