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The current generation of admissions reps today do not "sell", cannot sell and have convinced themselves they are not salesmen. Attitudes like this lead to frustration and ineffectiveness from the admissions reps. The ability to get someone out of their comfort zone (displeasure with their current status), and stand firm in telling the future student what they "don't" want to hear, instead of trying to please them with options that are unrealistic is basic to a true sale. Trying to circumvent policies and procedures with prospects will only give them unrealistic expectations and eventually they will become dissatisfied and leave, resorting back to their comfort zone of misery. So, who did we really help now?
It happens all the time when a rep is incapable of selling. Then the pressures from higher up start to consume the rep and they feel overwhelmed with the numbers game. A vicious cycle that can only be stopped with good coaching, mentoring and teaching a rep that attitudes, enthusiasm and having a geniune caring spirit to what is right and "lead" that prospect to make a positive choice to improve their situation. it is never about the rep, it is always about the prospect outcomes. Get over yourself and become a true servant to your prospects needs and wants. You'll feel better, gain more confidence and have a better sales career.

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