I often find satisfaction and fulfillment when I give back to my students. I believe, "To Learn, To Teach, To Love, and To Recreate."
It's all in reciprocating the life experiences to the next generation. However, I also find I learn much by allowing student driven learning activities in a condusive learning environment. Students find more fun in those types of classes versus me constantly talking or lecturing.
We give what we have. I believe in preparation. A well prepared instructor will produce well prepared students.
I try to create a sense of community among the students in my classes from the first day. In a community there is a sense of interdependence and working for a common cause while supporting each other as individuals. I think all learners need to feel a sense of input in the learning environment, and I tell mine if there are going to act like sponges during the semester, some point and time prepare to be squeezed...
Well planned lessons are essential to any class, but it takes more than planning.
Agreed. It is a shame though at times we can find instructors who do not have much to give due to "burn out". There is a great deal of pressures on instrcutors to provide so many services with little or no recognizition, compensation, etc. We really need to value their position a lot better, i believe this would provide our students with more knowledge and encouragment from the instructor.
I agree whole heartedly with you. I learn soemthing new everytime I teach a subject to my students. They really give me a lot. I love trying new things and activities every time I teach. If I do not do new things I really get bored and the monotony wears on me.