Sahzeah Babylon

Sahzeah Babylon

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I appreciated that this first section discussed the extra time it takes to work with and support or special population of students.  They deserve to have our investment of time when they have invested the time into our university.  I appreciate the breakdown and am interested to learn the next steps.

I appreciated this training module as a refresher on the topics of Title IX and the Clery Act as well as VAWA.  It is so interesting how current elected officials can modify what and who is covered and how with each new term.  What I was really reminded of taking this training is the necessity of these laws to be in place to require universities and places of higher learning to protect students in institutions of learning.  The extensions and umbrella of protections for persons of all genders is a necessity and I appreciate the enforcement that requires universities to… >>>

This section and the implications of what others can do to deter assault was appreciated, it is not a topic or area that I have seen addressed very often.

I truly enjoyed this class, absolutely every part of it has been so beneficial.

I really enjoyed learning about the affirmative interactions, the AI way of leading.  I have never experienced that type of professional environment and I think it would be wonderful to create a working and learning environment like that.  Like learning about a dream that someone is actually experiencing.

I really appreciated how this connected with the current higher education strategy and I always appreciate the worksheets and the interactive elements.

I think what I really learned is that leadership is not just the intentionality of what you say and do, but your actions and reactions as well.  It is a holistic whole person judgement on your skills and your talents and your personality and you - particularly as you become more visual should your role grow.


I have learned that I really am terrible at time management.  I push myself to hard, I am overly tired, worried about work constatntly, answer emails all the time, and stress myself out.  And I multitask.


To be a strategic thinker takes a concerted effort to change not just the way you think, but how one thinks about leading a team.  I beleive that great strategic thinking also clears out negative thoughts because negativity has no options and strategic thinkers always are looking for the other options.


I believe that I need to work on developing a role as a manager and a leader in context of the business of my day at work.  When I have a lot to do I am less inclinde to demonstrate the essential skills needed in a leadership/manager.  I just want to focus on my own responsibilites and not those of the people around me.  It is that balance that I am struggling to grasp.  When does being a leader and a manager take prescedent over my own requirements as an employee first?


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