Paula Bordenkecher

Paula Bordenkecher

About me


I agree that late grade penalties are usually not succefful with procrastinators. Positive feedback and connection often helps my students. I agree with Stacie that one of their biggest fears is of being judged. A friendly text asking how they are doing or asking if they need any help goes a long way. Most of them respond and it tends to jumpstart them. Sending Kudos for submitting work when they do helps, too. Many of my students are so appreciative of me checking in and in getting praise for what they've already accomplished, no matter how small the accomplishment is. … >>>

While I am an online instructor, I have not used much of the online assessment tools other than the tools that are built into Blackboard. SurveyMonkey is a tool that we use to review what faculty has learned during trainings and professional development. I find that it's a useful tool and definitely a time saver.





I find this course to be very helpful to the online instructor. While we certainly use most of the tools mentioned in this course, it allows us how to align these tools with best practices. Even something as simple as texting students helps me a great deal with outreach. It is a convenient but personal way to connect with students who tend to fall off of the radar. Another tool that I enjoy using is Youtube for scaffolding and motivation. Inspirational videos often get my students moving when they're feeling a bit sluggish towards the end of the term.

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I recommend this course. It really allows you to reflect upon how online classes are created and all who are involved as stakeholders in the success of the class. I feel that as an online professor, understanding how classes are built including curriculum, ongoing revision and the importance of closing the loop will assist me in being more aware of the needs of my students within the online community.


Paula Bordenkecher

I totally agree! Texting and sending out Kudo notes to my students seem to work very well. When they know that someone is out there and that someone cares, they perform better.


Paula Bordenkecher


I agree that online learning can be daunting for both student and instructor. The way that I have broken down the barriers between the students and me is by touching base regularly through phone calls, texting and email. It humanizes us to them, and vice versa.



Hi Terri,

I agree that rubrics with prescribed associated scores are often difficult to apply effectively to student performance. I've always enjoyed having a part in selecting and even creating rubrics. It's not easy to use cookie cutter rubrics when dealing with varying skill levels, learning styles and desired learning outcomes. It is a challenge that I feel, we all face as educators whether serving as instructor or administrator. An idea would be to allow instructors more involvement in establishing department and instituational wide rubrics. 



Hi Aundrea,

I completely relate to this. I find it difficult to see students matriculate into other courses and struggle because of their lack of skills in grammar and comprehension. Diagnostic assessments can certainly come in handy when attempting to identify students who need additional help in this area to ensure their future success.





This is a challenge. Prior to teaching online, I mentored other instructors and served as dept. chair within the public school system. I found that holding group discussions where we shared strategies for improving teaching techniques worked well. Oftentimes however, there are instructors who need to be directly addressed for specific improvement. Again, suggesting strategies and techniques tended to result in better buy in. Are you able to send them to workshops and conferences that highlight those techniques that you wish to enforce? This could also be an option. It's difficult because as instructors, we feel that we specialize… >>>


I firmly agree that in addition to other factors, competing responsibilities affect attrition in online programs. Students often underestimate the time that goes into such a program and feel that they are saving time because it is not face to face. Once they are engaged in the classes, they often become overwhelmed because of lack of time management amidst family and work responsibilities. I find that steady strateiges for time management and streams of encouragement work really well. I send messages via email, within the class announcements and even through text messages that remind them of their goals. Students… >>>

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