Paula Bordenkecher

Paula Bordenkecher

About me



I firmly agree that in addition to other factors, competing responsibilities affect attrition in online programs. Students often underestimate the time that goes into such a program and feel that they are saving time because it is not face to face. Once they are engaged in the classes, they often become overwhelmed because of lack of time management amidst family and work responsibilities. I find that steady strateiges for time management and streams of encouragement work really well. I send messages via email, within the class announcements and even through text messages that remind them of their goals. Students… >>>

I truly enjoyed my class about active learning. I have been a supporter of this type of learning for years and have done extensive research on it. Taking this course allowed me to apply my knowledge of active learning to the online environment. I am excited to see how I may navigate this virtually!


Paula Bordenkecher

Narcissism in students has become quite prevalent in recent years.  I find that narcissism often appears in class in the form of discussion posts. A question or issue that is raised concerning health care for example, is often viewed by students as an opportunity to focus specifically on what they feel. This is a good thing when the assignment calls for it however, many assignments challenge them to think about how such topics affect the entire nation or specific groups of people. The key for the instructor is to simply redirect them in their feedback and encourage them to think more globally… >>>

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