Meagan Meehan

Meagan Meehan

No additional information available.


This was a fascinating section. It is a bit unnerving to imagine how much fraud must have occured prior to July of 2011 in order for them to have implemented such changes. 


This is very interesting so far. I like the embrace of social media and the calls for positive advertising where you highlight your school's benefits without attacking any others. 


This was an excellent chapter. It's very important to be honest with students and no promise them things you cannot fulfill. After all, even if a school is fantastic and the student gets all As, if the economy is bad they still might have trouble finding work upon graduation. 


This was a very informative section that, at its core, highlights the importance of being honest with students and not using false pretenses to attract them. Furthermore, hounding potential students via email messages or phone calls is unacceptable even by a third-party. If the school hired that third party, then they are still rightly responsible for the actions that are performed in their name. 


I really enjoyed this section. The descriptions of the student personality types were spot-on! Anyone who has taught online for at least a few classes has likely experienced each one of these types of students at some point. 

This section was interesting, although I have found that smaller classes work better than bigger ones, contrary to what was stated here. Smaller classes work more like homeschooling (one-on-one effectiveness) so, while they might be quieter, they certainly have value. I am mostly a fan of asynchronous rather than synchronous education. Allowing everyone to make their own hours offers tremendous freedom that could be the deciding factor in having someone enroll in the school. 

This section was excellent! I loved the advice about telling students about both your academic degrees and your hobbies. By mixing your credentials with your interests, you allow students to get to know you a bit more while also feeling secure that you know what you are doing. 

I thought this was an excellent overview of online learning, although I think this course is best suited for new teachers rather than those who are already used to teaching online. 

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