Julia Mims e

Julia Mims e

Location: middle tennessee

About me

Happy Labor Day, I am using my holiday to get ahead! That is the nerd in me... I chose to participate in this lesson because I want to better understand my students. I am an LMT and an instructor I love the human body and I love the fact that massage has so much to do with more than just the body. I have been called the real life Ms. Frizzel I love that I do believe that getting messing and making mistakes can be a way to learn. I like music and movement and understanding how and why things function as they do. I am privileged to now instruct a class titled Professional Development & Customer Service! I am Excited, I get an opportunity to speak on something I am most passionate about.


everything electic



I appreciate the opportunity to learn how to interact with all types of students with many different learning styles!

@clairebates :I find it a little difficult working with some students that seem to not want to participate because they feel they know it all. I discovered I am a "Buddy" leaning toward Guide.... I need to become more of a "Controller"... I have learned that this is a way that I do not manage my time as well as I should. I am excited to have this resource!

I am in a school where my classroom changes just about every 6 weeks. I am excited and frustrated what I am learning is that I can and will make each transistion new and exciting for the students as well as for myself. What can be done when the room has cosmetic disturbances?

This course is amazing!!!! I do not regret taking this course if fact I will take this again and again because it is a very important aspect to my future as well as the future of my students.
Figuring out how to 'marry' the different generations is a major point that will make educating our society stronger. Thank you Ryan for putting this together it was not an wasy feat!

ED109 was both informative as well as engaging, it gave a lot of great information about prepartion and how to keep the instructor both 'sane' and successful!

I look forward to implementing all I have learned into a much more successful future!



I suppose I am basing this on a situation where a student of mine struggled greatly to pass even the simpliest of test, not to mention they graduated with a certificate of completion from high school not a diploma, and they were documented mentally handicapped. Now as their instructor I did everything I could do to get the information understandable as well as extended time for tests (reasonably of course). This particular student was also a little person. Being a little person I have seen them work so I know they can DO the work. Being mentally handicapped yet being… >>>

I am an instructor of adults from 18-35, I have a student who has not been as serious as their classmates being that they have not taken this seriously most of the other students do not care for them... I find it difficult to get, make, encourage, or coerce the other students to 'play nice' or work together. The student has some undesirable habits however I believe they can be successful. My question is how to 'involve' all students to 1st, give their best ,2nd to be more accepting to forgiving others behavior?

Yes, I am I have had several students from a different institution, who struggled and "I" was one of the only instructors that pushed for the students success. In saying this I did ask each student to remind themselves and others of their goals to insure they were still on the path that they chose. But what about when a student is not performing appropriately and does not meet the same standards demanded of everyone else... what if this was something that was seen from the beginning no matter how the student tries? I just would rather know how a… >>>

When is it ok to acknowledge that a student is not successful in a particular course. We give them the information; positive, negative and optional, allow them to make the decision to either stay and fail or move on to another program that they are better equiped. I understand that accomadating students for success is not the same as them being successful but if the instructor can see that the student and the career path are not in line when and who tells the student the truth. Or do we allow them (the student) to spend (or waste) a great… >>>

We as higher learning ought to in a candid, real, yet compassionate way share with our incoming as well as exiting students what office attire looks like. We should not wear 'club' attire to work. There should be a higher bar of decorum that we set. It does not have to be Prada but it should be that which we would not wear or allow our students to attend school wearing. Professionialism begins with the receptionist through to the sanitation workers.

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