Debra Dobbs

Debra Dobbs

Location: willoughby hills, ohio

About me

     My professional background includes 12 years in Global IT - engineering information services, business analysis, portal management, application design and development, testing and release management for web applications in finance and manufacturing. My interest in adult learning was developed when I was responsible for writing user guides for newly developed and enhanced web applications. I found my role to be the liaison between the technical development team and the engineering user groups. It was a fascinating, frustrating and often rewarding experience to build and sustain effective communication bridges between technical and nontechnical groups.

     In my current position as an instructor of Oral Communication, I am able to use my understanding of user needs to help develop effective programs of learning for students based on their career programs. The challenge is to help the students become aware of the needs they will face in their chosen fields. Often students are stunned by the question, "what will you use your communication skills for in your chosen field. Those students who do not hesitate seem to have a grasp of the value of effective communication. For those who shrug off the value of communication in their career fields, I engage their program directors and the Career Center Director to help frame the role of communication in the job interview and daily job tasks. As the students begin to see / visualize themselves in various scenarios, they are able to answer the introductory question.


oral communication, public speaking, presentation skills, interpersonal communication and intra-communication


presentation and speech planning, speech presentation, information analysis, workflow development, project management communication, inter-department communication


Agreed. Students are constituents to the course objectives as well as benefactors. When we (students and instructor) can agree on value, the resulting team-play builds student confidence and cooperation in the classroom; and creates lasting memories for new knowledge.
Discussion Comment

It is difficult to manage the stress of preparing for classes where the student population is diverse. The best advice I can offer is to work in advance of the class. Focus on the career goals of the students and engage them in the planning of class activities. What surprised me is that many adult students will read ahead on the class prospectus and ask questions. I review the course syllabus and prospectus documents with the students. We talk openly about their career programs and what activities would interest them. As time  on the course schedule for the activities, the… >>>

Often adult learners are insecure about their decision to pursue a new career path. Their behavior in class reflects how they really feel about themselves and their decision. My role as their instructor is to clarify the course objectives, provide the means for students to achieve success and to provide a safe environment for everyone to blossom. Interestingly in one of my Oral Comm clases I have a couple. They often have a second conversation going on between them. It seems that the guy is often more insecure than the woman. She often wants to go first...I guess to show… >>>

Diversity of thought and experience brings a fresh and revitalized breadth of knowledge to the classroom. Adult learners come with their own experiences. Synergies occur when the student can build on the experiences of the instructor. Likewise, learning is a two-way street. My perspective and understanding on topics is enhanced when students share their experiences and knowledge with me. Together we can find energizing ways to review and learn concepts.

No matter the age of the student, learning is a dynamic process. We are each learners...think about how it felt when you had to operate your new smart phone.

We all have to learn by associating with what we already know...we have to be able to apply what we learn in a short period of time to ensure we really understand and can remember the new information. When teaching adults, we have to change the context but realize that new information has to compete with all the other stimuli in our contemporary world. Make the information relevant and students will pay attention. (In… >>>

     Agreed!  Having guest speakers that are specific to the career fields of students in the class is a real learning enhancement. Students respond in a positive fashion -- especially when they are involved in the care of the guest. Too often students take a passive role of merely digesting presented information. In a recent guest experience in my classroom, students were required to participae in mock interviews. Immediately the energy in the classroom changed. Suddenly student discussion spiked about what to ask; how to act; how to prepar; the clas was buzzing with anecdotal comments. In this experience, students were put in the… >>>

     As a planning and preparation tool, I agree with you. It is much easier to be organized with all the assignments and tracking in a single place. Having the work organized helps to bolster student confidence in the learning process. They see that you too are very serious about their achievements.

     In addition to having the prep work organized, I put as much in excel in the form of class achievement matrices so that I can use the information during the class session. Students often ask where they stand on a particular assignment. Although I use rubric that are passed… >>>

Adult learners are often distracted by outside factors such as family and work. When they come to class the instructor must find a specific formula to engage the student fully. When course work is applicable to program objectives and personal aspirations, there's a greater chance the student will be open to learning. In this week's class a student who I felt was least prepared surprised me by out performing others who seemed better prepared. As I reflect, the student taught me about herself by opening up during a speech. I'm glad I was receptive to her ideas and offered immediate… >>>

Ensuring students are collaborating and not competing is a significant criteria to planning and implementing in-class simulation learning sessions. Often students will become competitive with one another and resist helping each other achieve successfully as a team effort. By engaging all forms -- or as many forms of learning as possible in the activity, students have the opportunity to engage at two levels. They will engage with the group / team to achieve the desired goal; and, students will learn through the reflection of the experience and results of team-play.
Music can be a great way to energize sleepy students when entering the classroom first thing in the morning. An energizing music can also make a significant impact on students who are coming to class following a day at work. The music can help both groups (morning and evening) separate from their personal thoughts and focus on class tasks. The idea of using music before reviewing the class agenda will help draw people to the room on time...rather than lingering in the student lounge.

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