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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.


Learning about different options of elements will be very helpful communicationing during tests taking.

Non Verbal

I am learning so much about different forms of communication.

Non - Verbal Communication.

I spent many years working with teammates who spoke a different langauge then me, Therefore hand gestures and pointing was all we could rely on. This is an essential tool.

Teaching Styles

I sincerely enjoyed this topic.  I find teaching styles do vary and as an instructor, we have to look at changing our routine to avaoid the apathetic teaching style.  It is so easy to comfortable in our ways of teaching because it works for "us" as instructors.  I am constantly reminding myself students learn differently.  When I start to loose focus and want to sit down at chair, I remind myself what example to the students see.  

I also change my lectures and try to make them different each time around.  I enjoy learning new teaching ideas from others and implement them into my teaching style.


How to help our team player cope with stress?

Students behavior

How do you think an instructor should behave and manage the students that perfectly know the schol's policies and always "walked on the edge" by misbehaving and be desruptive but  not crossing the line.

Job hunting education

As part of my Communications Class I teach NV as an element of the Job Hunting experience. Do you have other relevent areas of instruction where you teach or observe and use NV?


Power of the pause.

Has anyone recieved feedback from students regarding the use of NV?

Steepling: It May Not Send the Message You Want It to Send

As soon as I saw the picture of steepled hands, I thought of two people who use that particular hand gesture: Dr. Evil (from Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery) and Montgomery Burns (from The Simpsons). While I'm mostly having fun with this, I do believe it helps to be aware of these things. This gesture is not an unambiguous one.

Started ED 120

This course is off to an informative start!   Nonverbal communication is important  for the Instructor to recognize.  These non-verbal clues assist with identifying potential learning gaps.

mcgurk effect

I have noticed that when crossing language barriers, this effect is very much there.   While many times they may not quite follow my lecture... what I write on the board has considerable more results.

nonverbal cues

It is vitaly important to continually read student NV cues in order to test comprehension and interest during a lecture.


One thing I like to do is a wrap up at the end of the week.  I pick names of 3 three students out of a hat so the students never know who will get picked so they all must pay attention.


Engaging students and keeping them on their toes is one of the keys to success. I have found by drawing names when asking questions set up the class for paying attention.


Engrade is an excellent Learning Management system and it is free. It can help with alot of aspects in the classroom for the instructor, administrator and student.

Guide and Controller

I find that the guide and controller are the best styles, especially in combination.  Throwing in a little buddy in there doesn't hurt either.  The guide helps with being able to guide students that are struggling with class and the controller helps with reigning in class that wants to get out of hand.  I play the guide most of the time and that seems to help me keep the students interested and engaged.

Stress Relief Methods

I am teaching a Career Success Class, which teaches good stress relieving techniques to our students. I had my students create videos using their IPads on good and bad stress relieving techniques. One of their recurring ideas for a good stress relieving technique was spending time with their pets. If you own an animal, quality time with a pet is a great stress relieving technique.


What do you think abot apathete

Class room management

Which classification would you consider yourself?


How do you maintain discipkine in the classroom